Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 7, 2018

Bird spit coffee from Malaysia?

Prized in China for is alleged health benefits for hundreds of years, nests made from swiftlets' saliva are being mixed into coffee and cereal as the Southeast Asian producers of the delicacy seek to broaden its appeal, and their profit margins.
The nests are among the world's most expensive foods, selling for up to US$2,500 (S$3,400) a kg and the swiftlets that weave them are indigenous to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
China consumes almost 90 per cent of all Birds Spit Soups, traditionally eaten in soup, creating an industry that last year recorded US$5 billion in sales and which executives expect to double by 2020.
Companies such as Malaysia's Swiftlet Eco Park, one of the country's largest developers of swiftlet houses, want bigger gains by expanding their product line and market beyond China, where importers can often dictate the price.

"Ask anybody in the industry where is your market and they'll say China and Hong Kong. Everybody is going there," said Group Managing Director Loke Yeu Loong. "We are looking at new markets, but if I sell raw Birds Spit Soup to Europe or India, they don't even know how to cook it."
Swiftlet Eco makes coffee, skin care, puddings and candies with Birds Spit Soup. Loke declined to give specific sales figures but said the profit margin on some of these products was 10 times more than the raw nests.
The company is also spending big on marketing Birds Spit Soup as a health food in the Middle East, Europe and the United States and plans to raise about $30 million through an initial public offering and New York listing in the third quarter of this year.
Southeast Asian swiftlets' nests are particularly popular in the Lunar New Year festivities, which began in China last week, and are believed to be rich in nutrients that can help digestion, raise libido and improve the immune system.
Bird spit coffee from Malaysia?
Bird spit coffee from Malaysia?

Malaysia is the world's largest producer of raw nests after Indonesia.
Lee Kong Heng, president of the Malaysian Federation of Birds Spit Soup Traders Association, says marketing Birds Spit Soup as a supplement would attract younger, wealthier and more health-conscious consumers worldwide.
Vietnam's largest Birds Spit Soup producer Yen Viet Joint Stock Co. is also keen to play up the benefits of the delicacy. The company makes cereals and porridge and is investing into scientific research in a bid to increase global sales, said Chief Executive Dang Pham Minh Loan.
Malaysian Birds Spit Soup producers are well placed to market to the majority Muslim Middle East because the nests are halal, or a food permissible under Islam, Swiftlet Eco Park's Loke said.
With more research, he hopes Birds Spit Soup will become a global phenomenon. "We can conduct research and prove the benefit of consuming Birds Spit Soup scientifically," he said.

Girl, 6, reaches puberty early because frequently drank Birds Spit Soup
Sin Chew Daily reported that a six-year-old girl from Zhejiang, China, was found to have matured sexually after her mother frequently fed her sweet Birds Spit Soup and other supplements.
The mother, known as Lee, discovered earlier this year that a small bulge had developed under her daughter's nipples.
She also discovered bloodstains when washing the girl's panties earlier this month, which prompted her to take her to a doctor.
An examination concluded that the girl had reached puberty early because of excessive nutrient intake.

Lee said she was health-conscious and would boil Birds Spit Soup, honey and other supplements with chicken wings for herself.She said she usually gave her daughter a small share because she enjoyed it and thought it would be good for her health.
Doctors pointed out that excessive nutrient intake could have affected the child's hormone system and accelerated the development of her secondary sexual characteristics.

CNY cheer for Birds Spit Soup exporters
There is good news for Birds Spit Soup exporters as China officially lifts its ban on the import of the product from Malaysia.
Although only eight companies were given the approval to export Birds Spit Soup, local industry players have described the decision as the best Chinese New Year gift.
Describing the move as timely in view of the upcoming celebrations, Federation of Malaysia Birds Spit Soup Merchant Association president Datuk Tok Teng Sai said that for local players, the lifting of the ban would end the long uncertainty on the fate of the industry.

Tok also urged local players to treasure the approval by being honest.
"The fact that China only allows Birds Spit Soup from Malaysia into their country should not be taken for granted. They trust us and with that comes the responsibility to protect Malaysia's name," he said.
Earlier yesterday, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said Malaysia was the only country given the approval to export Birds Spit Soup to China.
The approval letter from China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) was received on Dec 25.
He said the eight companies were from nine which were granted a "conditional pass" to export the delicacy to the republic in June last year.
"It is not easy to pass China's stringent requirements. Since March last year, 15 companies had applied for the approval and nine were given the conditional pass.
"After further auditing by the authorities in China, only eight companies fulfilled the requirements," he told a press conference here yesterday.
Ismail Sabri said the approval was for Raw-clean Edible Birds Spit Soup (Birds Spit Soup) and the first consignment was expected to leave for China soon.
He said a ceremony to be attended by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak would be held to mark the special occasion.

Benefits of eating Birds Spit Soup

Benefits of eating Birds Spit Soup
Benefits of eating Birds Spit Soup

You would have heard by now that among the most popular Chinese medicinal food is the Birds Spit Soup. This type of food can be costly where it could start from hundreds and reaches to thousands of ringgit. Basically, Birds Spit Soup is known to be a very nutritional type of food which is very good for health.

Birds Spit Soup contain a rich amount of nutrients that are very organic

There is natural Birds Spit Soup which are sourced and extracted from the most natural methods which makes them more expensive. Meanwhile, there are the so-called artificial or ‘manufactured’ types which are cheaper in nature.
So what makes Birds Spit Soup so popular. Why would people go to great lengths to find and enjoy bird’s saliva? This is because research has shown that Birds Spit Soup contain a rich amount of nutrients that are very organic. This includes minerals like zinc, copper, sodium, calcium, potassium while it has a lot of soluble glycoprotein and amino acid.
Throughout history, it has been recorded that traditional Chinese medicine doctors have used Birds Spit Soup for various medicinal reasons. This includes using this highly beneficial product for the use of treating asthma and bronchitis while it is known to help rejuvenate the skin and for anti-aging purposes.

Help in growth and provide the human body with vital energy it needs

According to scientific research, it has been found that Birds Spit Soup can actually facilitate more than just skin rejuvenation. In fact, it can help in growth and provide the human body with vital energy it needs. It helps to accelerate any type of recovery from diseases while keeps the body strong in terms of immunity and metabolism.
Birds Spit Soup are so popular with its benefits so well known that other types of medicinal herbs like the abalone, eggs and sea cucumbers do not come close. For the pregnant woman, Birds Spit Soup is highly recommended because it helps to increase the overall health of both the mother and the child.
It helps to grow the brain of the baby while ensuring that the mother’s general health and immune system is strong. On top of that, mother’s who have given birth are encouraged to take Birds Spit Soup as it helps them to recover faster while maintaining their overall beauty and body shape.
In most cases, Birds Spit Soup can be consumed as they are while there are many instances when this type of food is served with other accompanying dishes like fresh milk, soup and others. This is most commonly done for the younger people as it helps to enhance their metabolism and immune system.

How Much Do You Know About the Benefits of Birds Nest?

How Much Do You Know About the Benefits of Birds Nest?
How Much Do You Know About the Benefits of Birds Nest?

Birds Spit Soup is the nest made by the Swiftlet bird of Southeast Asia that is usually prepared as a soup and prized in Chinese culture as a healthful delicacy. Birds Spit Soup has a tradition of use in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 400 years for its aid in respiratory health, energy boosting properties, skin complexion, and general longevity.
With many examples of TCM being more than 2000 years old, Birds Spit Soup is still relatively new in the culture.
Doctor Hien Duc Pham, OMD, has been a practicing Oriental Chinese Medicine Doctor in Colorado for more than 20 years and he often prescribes Birds Spit Soup for his patients. He finds that it is particularly useful with respect to lung health. He discovered that cigarette smokers have experienced benefits. After three weeks of use, smokers have reduced their cravings and improved their oxygen intake.

Birds Spit Soup has helped patients stop using marijuana.

He noticed that marijuana withdrawal discomfort and symptoms were lessened with Birds Spit Soup along with other medicinal herbs and ingredients.The application of Birds Spit Soup eased the transition from dependency to a clean and sober lifestyle by reducing heat in the brain and reducing the instances of nightmares. Dr. Pham has also prescribed Birds Spit Soup for patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and COPD.
But beyond medical health, Dr. Pham thinks that Birds Spit Soup is useful because it brings a sense of general calming and wellness to his patients. Four tablespoons of dry Birds Spit Soup cooked into soup creates a cooling effect. Certain seafood, such as crustaceans, can increase blood pressure, creating a yang effect. Swiftlet birds eat crustaceans and process and convert the food to the yin or soothing effect. The purpose of high quality Birds Spit Soup is to restore the balance of body function, the yin and yang, and improve general well being.

Birds Spit Soup has helped reduce depression and suicidal thoughts, aided with better circulation and calmed heat in the brain, brought on by things like nightmares, headaches, and anxiety.

Dr. Pham likes to prescribe Birds Spit Soup for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. He has noted that Birds Spit Soup restores the energy zapped by the chemotherapy and prescribes dry Birds Spit Soup.
Dr. Pham has also observed that Birds Spit Soup restores the sex drive of postmenopausal women over the age of 45. The Birds Spit Soup improves the quality of their hair and skin. After 28 days, all of these bodily functions have improved.
Birds Spit Soup is not a cure-all, however, and there are limitations to when the doctor would prescribe it. For example, while a patient has the flu, Dr. Pham would not prescribe Birds Spit Soup, but while they are recovering, he would not hesitate, as it can restore general health and promotes well being. He feels similarly about sinus infections. While the phlegm is yellow or green, Dr. Pham would avoid Birds Spit Soup. But once the patient begins to heal and the phlegm turns white, he would prescribe it. Traditional Chinese medicines like Birds Spit Soups are not about reactive health but proactive health and keeping patient's well.

Birds Spit Soup is one of the world's most expensive animal products

There are a few challenges that consumers may face. Finding high quality Birds Spit Soup is one such challenge. Birds Spit Soup is one of the world's most expensive animal products, the Birds Spit Soup market is full of imitators who sell fake nests or artificially alter its appearance to make their products seem to be of a more rare and higher quality nest than it is. Consumers should beware of practices such as bleaching the nest because it compromises the quality and potency of this healthful food. That's why it is important to buy a trustworthy brand that gives you a natural Birds Spit Soup product so you can enjoy all the health benefits Birds Spit Soup offers. Experts who operate herb and Chinese medicine stores can be a terrific resource in identifying the highest quality dry Birds Spit Soup and Birds Spit Soup drinks.
Another challenge is that preparation of the Birds Spit Soup for consumption is a painstaking task. The cooking of Birds Spit Soup requires attention to detail. The soup cannot be simply microwaved or boiled in a pot on the stove. Another way for consumers to enjoy Birds Spit Soup is as a pastry. The preparation of the dry nest is the same, but the delicacy is placed in a dough pastry not unlike chicken potpie. The Birds Spit Soup delicacy has also been delightfully consumed as a dessert.
With many OMD and TCM specialists trusting the benefits of Birds Spit Soup and the wide array of ways to enjoy it, you owe it to yourself to give Birds Spit Soup a try.

Get your basics right about Birds Spit Soup

Despite its high "yuck" factor - after all, it is essentially made of bird spit - Birds Spit Soup is a delicacy that is prized by people all over the world.
But local consumers know little about it.
A recent survey found that 72 per cent of 300 respondents consume Birds Spit Soup, but 66 per cent had no idea how its price or quality is determined.
Herbalist Ang Lai Chye, a retail supervisor at Eu Yan Sang's Paragon outlet, shares five facts that are sure to make anyone a bona-fide expert about Birds Spit Soup:
Get your basics right about Birds Spit Soup
Get your basics right about Birds Spit Soup

1. The builders

The Birds Spit Soups that we eat are built by three species of swiftlets - white-nest, black-nest and grass-nest - to lay eggs and house their young.
Those made by the white-nest swiftlets are deemed the "cleanest", with 85 to 97 per cent of their nests containing salivary glutinous strands.
The black-nest and grass-nest swiftlets, build nests that are mixed with feathers and plant materials.

2. Types of nests

Nests can be found in caves on cliffs, or in purpose-built houses that simulate their natural habitats - in urban areas, near the sea or even in the jungle.
Both types of nests can be found in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Cave nests have a crunchy and chewy feel in the mouth, while house nests are softer, smoother and more slippery.

3. Preparation

The swelling capacity of Birds Spit Soup depends on the compactness of the salivary strands, as well as its thickness and size.
Raw cave nests may require eight to 12 hours of soaking in water before they can be cooked, compared to about two hours for raw house nests.

4. Blood Birds Spit Soup

This isn't the blood-tinged vomit of the swiftlets, as many people may believe. It is actually the result of the absorption of minerals from the cave walls that give the nests the unique reddish colour.

5. Spotting counterfeits

Raw Birds Spit Soup that disintegrates easily upon contact with water may contain very little of the real product. Those which turn extremely white upon soaking may have been bleached. Counterfeits will also reek of additives.
The real nests, in contrary, should have a fishy tinge because of the swiftlet's saliva and have the aroma of an egg white after cooking.

7 interesting facts you should know about Birds Spit Soup

According to scientific analysis, on the average, 70% of the nests contain forms of glycoprotein. Moreover, numerous health benefits have been documented in the Classics of Chinese Medicine.
Apart from these, there are other interesting facts and beliefs about Birds Spit Soup. Let’s take a look at them here -
1. Since it is quite popular as a tonic with numerous health benefits, it is best to consume Birds Spit Soup on an empty stomach. To allow the body to absorb its nutrients, it is advised to consume it before meals.
2. It is believed that the red color of Birds Spit Soup comes from the swiftlet’s blood. However, it’s not. The red color is the result of either oxidation or minerals absorbed from the environment.
3. Since Birds Spit Soup has high glycoprotein, men may use Birds Spit Soup for overall growth and a neutral energetic property, which help boost a weak immune system.
4. As a popular belief, Birds Spit Soup is used as a beauty food to maintain youthfulness and enhance the complexion. To aid the belief, studies have shown that its constituents is rich in epidermal growth factor (EGF) which is responsible for skin and tissue repair.
7 interesting facts you should know about Birds Spit Soup
7 interesting facts you should know about Birds Spit Soup

5. Another good thing about Birds Spit Soup is that it is believed to speed up recovery when consumed in moderation due to its unique predigested form of proteins and nutrients that helps in the recovery from chronic health issues. It is known to be a great medicine in relieving respiratory ailments such as asthma or chronic coughs.
6. When it comes to elders, they use Birds Spit Soup to maintain healthy living and improve their health conditions, typically to clear Phlegm, ease chronic dry coughs and relieve fatigue. Additionally, it can be used to stimulate the appetite, improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement.
7. Another key fact about Birds Spit Soup is that it is a good supplement for growing children as it contains proteins, amino acids and minerals for desired nutrition & wellness that are quite essential for development in young age.k
How to choose the best quality Birds Spit Soup?
As a general guide, you choose Birds Spit Soup according to these qualities
  1. Boat shaped or cup-shaped, with smaller edge size
  2. Firm texture with thicker strands, Natural ivory white colour (Not too white)
  3. Clean, with minimal amount of feathers
  4. By Countries or cave/house types

Health Benefits of Consuming Birds Spit Soup

You can be assured that all of the natural goodness of Birds Spit Soup will remain intact for your wholesome enjoyment and benefit.


  • Improves blood circulation, metabolim, memory and agility
  • Helps alleviates asthma
  • Moisturises and lightens the skin
  • Helps regulate menstrual cycle
  • Enhances foetus immunity and speeds up post-delivery recuperation when comsumed during pregnancy
  • Improves lung, kidney and intestinal functions
  • Helps boost the body’s overall immune system
Birds Spit Soup contains mainly proteins and amino acids (50-60%), carbohydrates and various mineral salts. Protein in Birds Spit Soups come in the form of water-soluble glycoproteins, which are crucial to produce essential amino acids that our own body tissues cannot make. In addition, Birds Spit Soup also contains more than 15 amino acids, including two essential amino acids (threonine and valine), which are the basic building blocks for tissue regeneration and body immunity.
The main carbohydrate in Birds Spit Soup is sialic acid which is purported to contribute to neurological and intellectual development in infants, whilst other major carbohydrates include galactosamine, galactose and fucose. Also rich in mineral salts, Birds Spit Soup contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, all of which are essential for development of bones, tissues, blood and nerve cells as well as various physiological processes.
(Source: Lim Chan Koon and Earl of Cranbrook (2002), Swiftlets of Borneo : Builders of Edible Nests)
In recent times, the most interesting discovery by researchers in Hong Kong is that the glycoproteins in Birds Spit Soups contains elements of mitogenic stimulation factor and epidermic growth factor (“EGF”) which can stimulate cell growth and reproduction and strengthen the immune system. As such, it has excellent potential for restoring fine complexion and youthfulness, thus slowing down the ageing process.
In addition, Birds Spit Soups have also been found to contain antioxidants which help increase body immunity and lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration and diabetes.
With our commitment to producing top-quality Birds Spit Soup without usage of any chemicals, additives, preservatives or colourings, you can be assured that all of the natural goodness of Birds Spit Soup mentioned above will remain intact for your wholesome enjoyment and benefit.
Health Benefits of Consuming Birds Spit Soup
Health Benefits of Consuming Birds Spit Soup

Cave Nest vs House Nest - Its Time To Know The Difference

Birds Spit Soups are in demand not just locally but the world over, with more and more people recognising the nutritional benefits of this wondrous delicacy from nature. The White-nest Swiftlet (Aerodamus fuciphagus) and Black-nest Swiftlet (Aerodamus maximus) are the two main producers of Birds Spit Soup. Nests made by White-nest Swiftlets comprise 70-80% salivary excretion and 20-30% feathers/ impurities, whilst the reverse is true for Black-nest Swiftlets, i.e. 20- 30% salivary excretion and 70-80% feathers/impurities.
Historically, Birds Spit Soups have been typically harvested from limestone caves such as Gomantong and Niah. These are commonly known as cave nests. Cave nests tend to contain higher levels of impurities compared to house nests as they are exposed to the influence of external environment surroundings. Harvesting cave nests is also a high-risk profession as workers have to climb to dangerous heights and hang precariously from vertical cave walls while collecting the prized nests.
“House nests contains lesser amounts of impurities, dirt, feathers and the shapes and quality produced tend to be more consistent compared to those harvested from caves.”
House nests, on the other hand, present a more hygienic way of producing Birds Spit Soups. To cater to the ever-growing demand of this delicacy, many old buildings, usually located away from residential areas, have been converted into swiftlet farm houses to increase the nesting area for swiftlets. Nowadays, many swiftlet farms are specifically-designed buildings in well-forested surroundings and utilise modern techniques to mimic the natural cave habitat of swiftlets, such as dark interiors with the optimum temperature and humidity. The calling sounds used in swiftlet houses are also designed to attract only White-nest swiftlets, which produce cleaner nests. The swiftlets are free to enter and leave the structure anytime to seek for food and water.
Therefore, they are feeding naturally on insects and fruits just as cave swiftlets do. The harvesting process is also much safer as workers are also able to collect Birds Spit Soup conveniently from the nesting surfaces which are typically located no more than 10 feet from the ground.
Using a cleaner, more controlled environment yet just as natural, house nests are becoming a more obvious choice for consumers as these nests contain lesser amounts of impurities, dirt, feathers and the shape and quality produced tend to be more consistent as compared to those harvested from caves.
To ensure the highest food safety and quality standards are met, Company Birds Spit Soups are produced in swiftlet houses under strict supervision and control, from which the finest raw materials that meet our exacting standards and criteria are selected. Consumers will also be glad to know that, Company has not only achieved VHM (Veterinary Health Mark) accreditation from the Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia, but also been obtained Halal and dual-HACCP certification.
Why take the risk with cave nests when you can safely enjoy Company 100% pure Birds Spit Soups from properly maintained and hygienic swiftlet farms?

Our Birds Spit Soup

Birds Spit Soup is made of the dried nest of swiftlets, which consists of their saliva and feathers by the ocean.
Birds Spit Soup is a precious natural nourishment and health product, which contains mainly proteins, carbohydrates and other natural minerals. It is traditionally used as a tonic to strengthen and fortify the body and replenish the “qi” of the body. Recent researches show that Birds Spit Soup also promotes skin cell renewal and regenerative power of body tissues.
There are mainly two types of natural Birds Spit Soup, the cave Birds Spit Soup and house Birds Spit Soup.
The cave Birds Spit Soup refers to the nests built by swiftlets in natural limestone caves and on the ocean cliffs. It is more solid, hard and tastes better.
The house Birds Spit Soup refers to the nest built in man-made swift houses, which is constructed by mimicking the swiftlets’ natural habitat. House Birds Spit Soups are generally higher in quality compares to the cave Birds Spit Soups because it is carefully monitored and the Birds Spit Soups because it is carefully monitored and the Birds Spit Soups are protected by the workers on a regular basis. The nutrition of the house Birds Spit Soups is also well-preserved in a cleaner and more hygienic environment.
Our Birds Spit Soup
Our Birds Spit Soup

COMPANY 100% Birds Spit Soup is cleansed using the “High-Tech Pure Natural Energize Water System”. All the final products are delicately processed with 100% free of bleaching agents, preservatives, coloring and chemical substances.
Birds Spit Soup is a natural health product with pure and high nutritional value. Regular consumption of Birds Spit Soup helps to strengthen the heart function and immune system. Furthermore, taking Birds Spit Soup also helps to alleviate the trachea, regulate the breathing mechanism, control asthma, rejuvenate the patient’s body quickly, maintain beauty and extend longevity. Birds Spit Soup is suitable for any gender and age groups regardless of seasons of weather.
Cooking Method:
Firstly, soak the Birds Spit Soup in water for approximately 60 minutes. Wait for the Birds Spit Soup to swell and soften. Next, drain and place it in a pot. Then, add in fresh water and double-boil it over low heat for approximately 30 – 60 minutes. Lastly, add in rock sugar and it is ready to be served.
Use low heat to double-boil the Birds Spit Soup and maintain the temperature around 80 to best preserve the aroma and nutrients of the Birds Spit Soup.